jadeleopard wrote in scifi20in20 Sep 07, 2012 23:58
claim: dollhouse, claim: vampire diaries, claim: legend of the seeker, claim: warehouse 13, claim: stargate, claim: haven, participant: jadeleopard, claim: resident evil, claim: doctor who, round: thirty, claim: dead like me, entries: round thirty
athena606 wrote in scifi20in20 Sep 20, 2011 21:26
entries: round nineteen, claim: haven, participant: athena606, round: nineteen
failegaidin wrote in scifi20in20 Aug 20, 2011 22:38
entries: round eighteen, participant: failegaidin, claim: haven, round: eighteen
eviinsanemonkey wrote in scifi20in20 Sep 04, 2010 14:09
round: seven, claim: haven, entries: round seven, participant: eviinsanemonkey